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How much money do you need to live comfortably? – Retirement Calculator –

retirement, retirement calculator, live comfortably, financial pressures, cost of retirement

This is a question that we all grapple with. How much do we need to be able to walk away from our jobs, free to pursue whatever we want to do without financial pressures? This calculator estimates the corpus that you need to be able to retire comfortably, even without any other sources of income. Answer just a few questions about your lifestyle if you were retired and come up with the magical number which, if achieved, will get you financially free!

This is a question that we all grapple with. How much do we need to be able to walk away from our jobs, free to pursue whatever we want to do without financial pressures? This calculator estimates the corpus that you need to be able to retire comfortably, even without any other sources of income. Answer just a few questions about your lifestyle if you were retired and come up with the magical number which, if achieved, will get you financially free!